Black History Month | Voices of Design

Black History Month | Voices of Design

Black History Month Graphic

As we enter February, Black History Month, we encourage all of us as designers and creators to honor those who made significant contributions to society and the profession.

Art and architecture cannot tell an accurate story without diverse perspective and viewpoints. We cannot design or envision alone. When we stand together with compassion and respect for the stories we all hold, we create equitable futures…for all.

In 1968 Whitney Young looked out at the AIA National Convention attendees to challenge the predominately white male audience. He spoke of an “urban crisis” and a “thunderous silence” in the profession. You can read the momentous speech that aided in immediate response from AIA National here.

And while advances have been made and/or realized in 40+ years since that day, we can’t ignore in 2023 that reality has not significantly changed.

Whitney Young Jr Quote
Black History Month Stat
Black History Month Chart

We contribute in many ways to community movement: as individuals, family members, professionals, and as friends. What we design, how we mentor/volunteer, and how we listen all have the ability to create active change.

As the month progresses, we will share the voices of those who have done so much for our past, present, and future. Please help us with this effort….

Help us share historic and modern stories.

Submit a story that we can share during Black History Month….to learn and to inspire others.

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